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SQL Tutorial

·         SQL refers to "Structured Query Language"
·         It is an Structured Query Language because it follows ANSI, ISO standards.
·         It is an editor which helps the user to communicate with the Oracle Server.
·         User communicates with the help of queries. A query is a request / question / command submitted to oracle server to perform operations over DB.
·         SQL is developed by IBM, olden days it was called as “Sequel”.
·         It is the language common for all RDBMS software’s like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL.
·         Apart from SQL, we also have QBE and QUEL which are used to communicate with the RDBMS server.
-          QBE refers to Query by Example. Used in MS-ACCESS.
-          QUEL refers to Query Language.

Depending on the operations, SQL is categorized into following sub languages:

1.       DML     ( Data Manipulation Language )
2.      DDL      ( Data Definition Language )
3.       DRL      ( Data Retrieval Language )
4.      TCL       ( Transaction Control Language )
5.      DCL       ( Data Control Language )

Data Definition Language (DDL):

-          DDL is a set of instructions to perform operations over Data Definition.
-          Data Definition is also called as Metadata. (data about data)
-          Commands in DDL are:

(i)                 CREATE            
(ii)               ALTER
(iii)             DROP
(iv)              TRUNCATE
(v)                RENAME


Create table <table_name>
                                <column_name>             <data_type> (size),
                                <column_name>             <data_type> (size),
                                <column_name>             <data_type> (size),
                Create table Employee
                EmpNo                 Number(4),
                EmpName          varchar2(20),
                Salary                   Number(7,2),
                Desg                     varchar2(20),
                DeptNo                Number(2)


                                 1.       Create a table from the existing table ?

                                 CREATE TABLE EMP_TARGET
                                SELECT * FROM EMP;

                                It creates a new table with name EMP_TARGET. It will create the table along with 
                                the data.

                               2.      Copy the table definition but not the data ?

                               CREATE TABLE EMP_TARGET
                               SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE 1=2;


-          It is used to modify data definition of a table.
-          Using alter command :

1.       Add columns
2.      Drop columns
3.       Rename a column
4.      Modify a column
a.       Increasing or decreasing size
b.      Changing data type
c.       Changing Null to Not Null
d.      Changing Not Null to Null

1.       Adding columns using Alter ?

                ALTER TABLE <table_ name>
                                ADD ( column_name datatype(size));

Alter Table Employee
                Add ( DOB Date, Gender CHAR(1));

2.      Dropping a column using Alter ?

                ALTER TABLE <table_ name>
                                DROP ( column_name datatype(size));

Alter Table Employee
                DROP ( DOB, GENDER);
3.       Rename a column using Alter ?

                ALTER TABLE <table_ name>
                                RENAME COLUMN <old_name>  to  <new_name>;

Alter Table Employee
                RENAME  column  HireDate   to   DateOfJoin;

4.      Modifying a column using Alter ?

a)      Increasing or decreasing the column size.

                ALTER TABLE <table_ name>
                                MODIFY ( column_name datatype(size)…);

Alter Table Employee
                                MODIFY ( ename    varchar2(20));

b)      Changing datatype.

Alter Table Employee
                                MODIFY ( COMM    varchar2(20));

c)      Changing from NULL to NOT NULL.

Alter Table Employee
                                MODIFY ( ename    NOT NULL);

d)      Changing from NOT NULL to NULL.

Alter Table Employee
                                MODIFY ( ename    NULL);


                DROP TABLE <tableName>
                DROP TABLE EMP;

-          Prior to 10g, we don’t have the option of restoring.
-          From 10g, we can even restore the Dropped tables. This is possible with the concept of “Flashback”.
-          In 10g, when the table is dropped, it is moved to recyclebin in Oracle server.

-          To view  the contents of the Recyclebin, execute the following commands:

Select * from recyclebin;
Show recyclebin;

-          To restore the tables from Recyclebin, execute the following commands:

FLASHBACK table EMP to before DROP;

                This restores the table back along with the data.

-          To delete the table permanently,  execute the following commands:

                This deletes the table permanently. Hence FLASHBACK is not possible in this case.

-          To empty Recycle bin, execute the following commands:



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